An extremely rare hybrid issue
Los 309
Nezana/Nezool, circa 480s-500. Chrysos (Gold, 17 mm, 1.62 g, 12 h), anonymous type. ✠CΛΧ✠ΛCΛ✠CΛC✠CNI Draped half-length bust of Nezana/Nezool to right, wearing tiara and circular earring, holding spear in his right hand and with bracelets on his right arm; to inner right, downwards B; to left and right, ears of barley. Rev. ✠CΛC✠CΥN✠CΛX✠ΛCΛ Draped half-length bust of Nezana/Nezool to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring, holding branch in his right hand and with bracelets on his right arm; to left and right, ears of barley; above, cross. Hahn, Aksumite, 39a. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 47. Munro-Hay, AC, type 81. Extremely rare, only six examples recorded by Hahn & Keck, of which five are in private hands. Struck from slightly worn and corroded dies, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection, ex Leu Web Auction 18, 19-21 December 2021, 4071.

When Nezana/Nezool ascended the throne, there appears to have been some unclarity about whether to place the king's name on the obverse or the reverse of the coins. Dies were cut for both eventualities, with the intention of one side carrying the king's name, while the other would carry the 'King of the Land of the Abyssinians' title. Perhaps not entirely surprisingly, the dies were sometimes mixed up, resulting in issues with both an anonymous obverse and reverse (such as this one and the next lot), or with the royal name on both sides (such as lot 311 below). All these hybrid issues are extremely rare, being known from just a handful of examples.
1500 CHF
1200 CHF
1700 CHF
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